November 10, 2011

Toddler Bed Transition

I was not ready for this, for my daughter to transition out of a crib and into a toddler bed. Well, she sort of transitioned out of her crib. It converts to a toddler bed, so she's still sleeping in a familiar space. But the difference is now she can wander at will in her room.

Why must my daughter insist on growing so fast? I'm trying to enjoy toddler-hood, but I'm afraid with my daughter's rushing to get older I'm going to blink and suddenly have a five-year-old standing in front of me.

Last night was Evelyn's first night in her "big girl bed." She did great. She went to sleep without any complaints and without even trying to get out of bed.

Today will be Evelyn's first nap in her "big girl bed." I don't have as high of hopes that she'll settle down for her nap like she did for bed last night. She's been trying to give up her naps, and I've been trying to insist on sticking to the routine. The timing of the toddler bed transition could not be worse for the naps.

I guess at some point I had to go through this part, right? I might as well get through it now rather than later.

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